Customizing Sitecore Client
This section gives information on how to edit the Sitecore client from within
the Sitecore client.
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Articles on events, hooks, pipelines and pipeline processors. |
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In some cases a user may want to use a custom editor for a Sitecore item which would help to enter values to different content sections of different items. |
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How to create the Sheer UI XML Application and add a shortcut to it in the Sitecore menu. |
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This article describes how to add a shortcut to a custom application to the Sitecore menu. |
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Advanced users can edit the Sitecore client from within the Sitecore client itself. This article shows how one can do this. |
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This article describes how to restrict access to specific areas of the Sitecore client for specific users or roles. |
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In this article we will add additional dictionary to the spellchecker. |